The Hospitalist: Current issues
Don’t Miss Out on SHM Converge 2025
At this time of the year, my dedication to my New Year’s resolution is dwindling, and the weather here in Chicago is leaving a lot to be desired. During times…
JHM Thinks Outside the Box with Innovations Corner and Point-Counterpoint
Realizing that patients cared for at rural and critical-access hospitals struggle with access to interventional endoscopy procedures at tertiary care centers, a Minnesota hospital began a bold project in 2021:…
As Wearable Monitors Proliferate, Hospitalists Weigh How to Use Them
Charumathi Raghu Subramanian, MD, a hospitalist and second-year clinical informatics fellow at the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine in San Francisco, remembers a patient in her care…
Hope in Tough Times
Scanning the labs of the woman I am admitting from the emergency department, I see a calcium of 12. “Oh no,” the thought jumps to the front of my mind,…